Alresford Colne Rangers F.C. Safeguarding Policy 

June 2021 

The committee, managers and coaches of Alresford Colne Rangers F.C. recognise the importance  of young people (those under 18 years of age) involved in Alresford Colne Rangers Youth F.C and  have a responsibility to protect everyone entrusted to its care. 

Everyone involved with Alresford Colne Rangers has a responsibility to help prevent the physical,  sexual and emotional abuse and neglect of young people and to report any such abuse that they  discover or suspect. Every young person should know that they are valued, safe and happy. Every  young person should feel able and empowered to report it if they are suffering harm and abuse in  any way. Every young person has the right to be treated with respect, to be listened to and to be  protected from all forms of abuse. 

Alresford Colne Rangers undertake to exercise proper care in the appointment and selection of  managers / coaches who will work with the young people of Alresford Colne Rangers Youth F.C. 

Alresford Colne Rangers are committed to do the following: 

  • Follow the requirements for UK and and the Football Association legislation in relation to  safeguarding young people, implementing the requirements of legislation in regards to young  people with disabilities. 
  • Ensure that Managers / Coaches adhere to the agreed procedures of the Safeguarding Policy Keep up to date with national and local developments relating to safeguarding 
  • Support the club Welfare Officer and Safeguarding Co-ordinator in his/her work and any action  taken in order to protect young people 
  • Support parents and families 
  • Support resourcing, training and monitoring of all those involved in this work  Alresford Colne Rangers F.C. recognise the following: 
  • That Essex County Football Association (or equivalent) has lead responsibility for investigating  all allegations or suspicions of abuse. 
  • Where an allegation suggests a criminal offence may have been committed, then the police  should be contacted immediately. 
  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility 

Definitions of Abuse 

Physical Abuse 

Physical abuse may involve hitting, shooting, throwing, burning, drowning, suffocating and cause  physical harm to a young person. 

Emotional Abuse 

Emotional abuse is the persistent emotional maltreatment of a young person such as to cause  severe and personal adverse affects on a young person’s emotional development.

Sexual Abuse 

Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a young person to take part in sexual activities, whether  or not the young person is aware of what is happening. Sexual abuse is not solely perpetrated by  adult males; women can also commit acts of sexual abuse, as can other young people. 


Neglect is the persistent failure to: 

  • Meet a young person’s basic needs such as the provision of adequate food, clothing and  shelter 
  • Protect a young person from physical harm 
  • Ensure adequate supervision 
  • Ensure access to appropriate medical treatment 

Use of Photography / Filming Equipment 

Permission will always be obtained from both young people and their parents / guardians before  photographic images or film footage is recorded and an explanation given as to how the  photographic images or film footage will be used. 

Purpose of photographic images and film footage 

Group pictures or team photos will not identify them by name or personal details (personal details  include but are not limited to email addresses, postal addresses, telephone or mobile phone  numbers). Only people authorised by Alresford Colne Rangers are permitted to take photographic  images or video footage. Permission is not given for photographic images or video footage to be  shared on any websites or social networking sites. 

Reporting Procedure 

Any parent / guardian or young person who has concerns or suspicions concerning a young  person should, in the first instance, voice their views or concerns to the Club Welfare Officer,  whose name and contact details are displayed in the clubhouse. 

In an emergency, or where a criminal offence may have been committed, the police should be  informed immediately. 

Emergency Numbers 


Essex CC Children’s Social Care – Emergency Duty Team 0345 606 1212 (Out of hours Mon-Thurs 5.30pm-9am. Fri & Bank Holidays 4.30pm-9am) 

Children’s Social Care 

(If you’re worried a child is being abused or neglected) 

 0345 603 7627 

NSPCC 0808 800 5000